This 2019 publication includes 56 articles about controversies over history education in particular countries. Gary Nash and I co-wrote the article titled “United States of America.”
Ross E. Dunn, Laura J. Mitchell, and Kerry Ward
The New World History: A Field Guide for Teachers and Researchers
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2015)
Selected Publications
Panorama: A World History. With Urmi Engineer Willoughby. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, forthcoming.
World History: The Big Eras, A Compact History of Humankind for Teachers and Students. With Edmund Burke III and David Christian. Los Angeles: National Center for History in the Schools, UCLA, 2009.
The Adventures of Ibn Battuta, A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986. Revised eds, 2004 and 2012. Italian 2nd ed., Milan: Garzanti Editore: 2005. Indonesian edition, Jakarta: Yayasan Obor, 1995. Turkish edition, Istanbul: Klasik: 2004. Malay edition. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit: Universiti Malaya, 2005.
History on Trial: Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past. With Gary B. Nash and Charlotte Crabtree. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,1997; Vintage Books ed., 2000.
Senior Author. Links across Time and Place: A World History. Evanston, Illinois: McDougal Littell, 1987.
Resistance in the Desert: Moroccan Responses to French Imperialism, 1881-1912. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, and London: Croom Helm, 1977.
Edited Works
The New World History: A Field Guide for Teachers and Researchers. With Laura J. Mitchell and Kerry Ward. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2016.
The New World History: A Teacher’s Companion. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2000.
Bring History Alive!: A Source Book for Teaching World History. With David Vigilante. Los Angeles: National Center for History in the Schools, UCLA, 1996.
General Editor with William H. McNeill, Essays in World History Series, Westview Press, 1990-2004.
“World History in the California History-Social Science Framework,” World History Connected 20, 1 (Winter 2023),
“World History Education around the World,” The History Teacher 55, 2 (Feb. 2022): 189-227.
“The Global Growth of World History Education,” Hespéris-Tamuda 55, 1 (2020): 77-115.
“United States of America.” With Gary B. Nash. In Luigi Cajani, Simone Lässig, and Maria Repoussi, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Conflict and History Education in the Post-Cold War Era. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 717-727.
“The World History Courses in the New Framework.” Social Studies Review 56 (2017-18): 25-30.
“Big Geography and World History.” Social Studies Review 49 (Spring-Summer 2010): 14-18.
“The Ugly, the Bad, and the Good in the National History Standards Controversy.” The History Teacher 42, Special Issue (Jan. 2009): 21-24.
“The Two World Histories.” Social Education 72 (Sept. 2008): 257-63.; reprinted in Walter C. Parker, ed., Social Studies Today: Research and Practice (New York: Routledge, 2010), 183-195.
“Interpreting Islam in American Schools.” With Susan Douglass. In Hastings Donnan, ed., Interpreting Islam ( London: Sage, 2002), 76-98; reprinted in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 588 (July 2003): 52-72.
“Ibn Battuta and Muslim Cosmopolitanism in the Fourteenth Century. Hadeeth ad-Dar (Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah: National Museum, Kuwait) 12: 2001.
“AP World History: A Matter of Definition.” In Joan Arno, ed., Teacher’s Guide to AP World History. New York: The College Board, 2000.
“Constructing World History in the Classroom.” In Peter Stearns, Peter Seixas, and Samuel Wineberg, eds. Knowing, Teaching, and Learning History. New York: New York University Press, 2000, 121-140.
“Ibn Battuta and the Islamic World System.” In Ibn Battuta: Actes du Colloque international. Tangier: L’Ecole Supérieure Roi Fahd de Traduction, 1996, 41-48.
“Migrations of Literate Muslims in the Middle Periods: The Case of Ibn Battuta.” In I.M. Newton, ed. Golden Roads: Migration, Pilgrimage and Travel in Mediaeval and Modern Islam. London: Curzon Press, 1993, 75-85.
"France, Spain and the Bu Himara Rebellion." In Tribe and State: Essays in Honour of David Montgomery Hart. Wisbech, England: Minas Press, 1991, 145-158.
"Central Themes in World History." In Historical Literacy: The Case for History in American Education. Edited by Paul Gagnon and the Bradley Commission on History in the Schools. New York: Macmillan, 1989, 216-233.
"The Challenge of Hemispheric History, 10001500 A.D." The History Teacher 18, 3 (1985): 329-338.
"Islamic Universalism in the Late Middle Ages.” Islam: The Religious and Political Life of a World Community. Marjorie Kelly, ed.. New York: Praeger, 1984.
"The Bu Himara Rebellion in Northeast Morocco: Phase I." Middle Eastern Studies 17, I (1981): 31-48.
"Bu Himara's European Connexion: The Commercial Relations of a Moroccan Warlord." Journal of African History 21 (1980): 235-253.
"Berber Imperialism: The Ait `Atta Expansion in Southeast Morocco.” In Arabs and Berbers: From Tribe to Nation in North Africa. E. Gellner and C. Micaud, eds. Boston: D.C. Heath and London: Duckworth, 1972, 85-107.
"The Trade of Tafilalt: Commercial Change in Southeast Morocco on the Eve of the Protectorate." The International Journal of African Historical Studies 4, 2 (1971): 271-304.
Shorter Articles
Forward to Ibrahimov Nematulla Ibrahimovich, The Travels of Ibn Battuta to Central Asia (Princeton, NJ: Marcus Wiener, 2010).
“Ibn Battuta,” in William W. Fitzhugh, Morris Rossabi, and William Honeychurch, eds. Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2009.
“The WHA: A Personal Prehistory.” World History Bulletin 23, no. 2 (Fall 2007): 6-8.
“Contending Definitions of World History: Which One Should We Choose for the Classroom?” Issues in Global Education, Newsletter of the American Forum on Global Education, no. 151, 1999, 1-5.
“Western Civ in the Global Curriculum: A Response,” with Edmund Burke III. Perspectives (American Historical Association) 36 (Oct. 1998): 31-33.
"National History Standards: Controversy and Commentary.” With Gary B. Nash. Social Studies Review, Winter 1995, 4-12.
"A History of the History Standards." UCLA Magazine, Winter 1995, 32-35.
“History Standards and Culture Wars." With Gary B. Nash. Social Education, Jan. 1995, 5-7.
Forward and revised bibliography for reprinted edition of Said Hamdun and Noel King, eds. and trans., Ibn Battuta in Black Africa (Princeton, NJ: Marcus Wiener, 1994).
"Multiculturalism and World History." World History Bulletin 8 (Spring/Summer 1992): 3-8.
Work in Progress
“Indo-Mediterranea,” an essay on the region extending from the Mediterranean basin to the Bay of Bengal as a useful spatial field of historical inquiry.
Revision and updating of Panorama, A World History.